Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SCRAM Bracelet Use in Colorado Courts

SCRAM monitoring has been in the news lately and yes some courts in Colorado utilize SCRAM as part of DUI sentencing. Some judges who sentence DUI offenders in Colorado will require the defendant to complete an in home detention or house arrest sentence and require that a SCRAM device be used to monitor sobriety.

SCRAM stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring. SCRAM monitors collect insensible perspiration that is always on the skin and tests for the presence of alcohol. The bracelet takes a sample approximately every thirty minutes and records the results. This data is uploaded and authorities can be alerted about a positive test.

Judges are able to use a SCRAM device as a sentencing alternative to a jail sentence. The bracelet allows the court to confine a defendant to home as well as monitor for sobriety. Service providers charge a fee to the defendant for wearing the SCRAM bracelet. Fees for the SCRAM bracelet service can reach up to $300 a month.

SCRAM systems are sometimes required as a condition of bond, as part of a DUI Court program or other situations in which the court needs to monitor a defendant to make sure they are not consuming alcohol.

SCRAM ankle bracelets are made by Alcohol Monitoring Systems, a Colorado company. If you drink and drive in Colorado or commit any crime in which alcohol is a factor be aware that you might have to wear a SCRAM bracelet. For more information on SCRAM click below.

SCRAM information from Alcohol Monitoring Systems

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